Friday, December 27, 2013

For many people, a defined set of abs is a major goal for which they strive in their fitness program. If you have set your eyes on building up your abs, then you know how challenging it can be to stay motivated for working out this target area.

However, strong abdominal muscles do more than just make you look great; they play an important role in providing support for your other muscular sets every time you move. A strong core has also become a primary focus of preventative medicine that is aimed at ensuring a long and healthy life for individuals that is free from pain. Therefore, keeping your abs in good shape is essential for warding off chronic conditions such as back pain. At Them Abs, LLC, we know that building strong abs takes time and a lot of hard work. For this reason, we have established a community of support that includes a variety of materials to help you get your abs in shape. Whether you are just entering your teens or have already entered your senior years, strong abs are still within your reach. Through a combination of training videos, eBooks and other instructional materials, we will help you to develop your abs every step of the way.

The Best Way to Get Six Pack Abs

What do all of the top models and most movie stars have in common? The answer is six pack abs. A defined midsection is considered the Holy Grail of good shape. If a person has defined abs, that individual is usually considered to be in extraordinary shape. I believe it has something to do with the fact that the abdominal area is the last place to lose body fat, so if a man is defined in that area he is probably in great shape. The crazy thing is that if you go into most gymnasiums, I would estimate that less than 5% of the trainees in fact have a six pack. The challenge lies from the fact that people have a misunderstanding of what it takes to attain this awesome look.

Will Working the Core Muscles Give You Great Abs?

These days if you go into any gymnasium, you will see a large focus on “core exercises.” Personal trainers have people doing all sorts of exercises on exercise balls which purportedly force the body to stabilize itself using “core muscles.” Focusing on the core muscles purportedly tones the abs to achieve a six pack abs. I see personal trainers devoting close to 1/2 of the client’s time focusing on workouts which work the core. The funny thing is that I see people do this week in and week out and none of these people get any closer to getting six pack abs.

Will Performing Crunches Give You a Washboard Stomach?

Another school of thought is to work abs hard every day. There are tons of exercises which focus on the abdominal muscles. Many people use various floor exercises such as crunches or sit-ups. People also use machines in their quest for six pack abs. Some people advocate working the abs every day or every other day. Some tell you to use high reps and no weight or heavy weight like every other muscle. I see tons of people do this week in and week out and guess what? Very few of those people have six pack abs!

Learn from Someone Who Has Six Packs Abs.

I have a much defined midsection year round, but it wasn’t always that way. I followed the above advices and failed to get that six pack look. Believe it or not, a back injury helped me figure out what works best to get six pack abs! Let me elaborate. I sustained a back injury 5 years ago and was unable to perform any crunch movement without pain. I was bummed out; because I had a vacation to Cancun planned 8 months later. I wanted to look great in a swimsuit and have solid six pack abs. I had to give up on working my abs for 8 full months! I was confident that my abs would look flabby. A crazy thing happened. I had impressive six pack abs in time for my vacation and I didn’t do one abs exercise for 8 months!

My Approach to Getting Six Packs Abs.

Okay, since that time I haven’t worked abs directly at all and my midsection looks better than ever. I am positive that having six pack abs showing is 95% about your body fat percentage and maybe 5% or less about working the abs. You see, all of us already have a nice six pack. It is just hidden under a layer of fat. I guarantee that if you get your body fat to 10% or lower, you will have surprising six pack abs for the world to see.

My Abs

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